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FoLLow Us

samedi 4 octobre 2014

Champaign is fighting to preserve the charm of football

Jerome feared Champaign candidate for the presidency of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) to be a source of strength, a game the inability to forecast results is threatened by the danger of extinction in the presence of the best players in the rich clubs in a limited number of countries around the world.

Champaign, said that the unequal distribution of resources is the "main danger" facing FIFA at the moment.

He told Reuters: "In some countries it is known at the beginning of the season the team winning the league title. Problem because this is what makes football and sport .. witch is the unpredictability of the results, but these days, at least this continuously."

The hit man, for example, the French match with Liverpool FC Basel in the Champions League last week to demonstrate the lack of balance in the game at the moment.

Champaign and said "because of television rights .. obtaining Liverpool eight times what bestowed Basel (in the game). This is evidence of the lack of equal opportunities in front of everyone."

In another example, said Champaign - which is the only candidate who has said he will challenge Blatter for the presidency of FIFA on 29 May next year - the migration of African talent to Europe like the phenomenon of "neo-colonialism".

"It is the depletion of Africa in a way where you see a new colonial Africa league games we have to follow their athletes while Msabqathm drain."

The Champaign call because the members are selected by the Executive Committee of FIFA by all members of FIFA's 209 national federations and confederations rather than just as happens at the moment also demanded the presence of representatives of the players and the clubs and the league links.

"We need to have a representation of the other party, such as the players and the clubs and the league links. We can not turn the football into the 21st century without them. Want them to think about the transfer system and the system for the protection of small clubs."

The request also from Champaign FIFA - who has been criticized because of the high cost of hosting Brazil to the 2014 World Cup - that also eases grip on the nations of the Organization for competitions.

"I think that the focus of FIFA should be on stadiums and playgrounds and travel teams. Do not think it is the role of FIFA to impose on any country to build airports and hotels. Depending on the state itself."

Champaign and subjected to a shock when he found out that all the fans of Brazil in the World Cup holders were almost white skin and said that the policy of selling tickets must be changed.

"The Brazilians are dark-skinned they were preparing for the opening ceremony, including the players, but did not attend one of them in the stands. Perhaps it is because the policy of ticket prices or the distribution network and this is wrong."

Champaign and began talking about the possibility of candidacy last January in London when he surprised many by saying he did not believe he could excel on Blatter officially announced last month his desire to run.

The work Champaign - a Deputy Secretary-General of FIFA between 2002 and 2005 - on special projects of the International Federation from 2005 to 2007, and was director of international relations from 2007 until leaving FIFA in 2010.

Champaign, said he was not affected by the announcement of the African Union and the Asian Federation of supporting Blatter confirmed that he remains national federations can support any candidate.

"When I participated (Blatter) in the 1998 election against Lennart Johansson, who was president of the European Union Johansson received support from four continents amid expectations that the number of votes supporting him 150 votes."

"I won 80 votes in the end and it shows that there is not blind obedience."

Champaign and sees that there is no need to give national federations voices as one bloc.

Champaign and said, "Football Association of Moldova has a lot of things in common with the Tunisian Union and more than it is the situation with the FA. Campaigns began eight months ago and I'm in a good phase. Meet with many people, such as the heads of the players and the unions."

In response to Blatter's refusal to participate in a public debate with him Champaign said: "We need to conduct a dialogue .. like any other elections around the world."

"This will help to restore the reputation of FIFA and I think this is a good opportunity to do so and I think it's very necessary step."

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